The above video is very popular in the homeschooling community, largely because we don't really have the problem of children not being creative, so it tends to make us feel good to watch it. Even in the most conservative, classically based, drill and kill homeschool, children have plenty of time to play... and create. They don't necessarily lose their creativity as they get older, in fact they get to be more creative with their life, with a higher percentage becoming entrepreneurs as adults (Sorry, I can't find where I saw that statistic before. However, here is an interesting blog post which muses about homeschooling and career choices.)
Does this mean I blame public schools for destroying creativity? Not necessarily, but I will say children need time to be creative. (Some inspiration in content and materials wouldn't hurt either.) Going to school during the day, avoiding the outdoors excepts for structured programs, and then plugging into digital media at night leaves little room for creativity. Schools can start to change this dynamic by giving students at least a portion of the day to explore ideas and have a bit more freedom, but they are not responsible for the societal environment as a whole. They can also change this dynamic by making assignments more complex and open ended. This may complicate neat rubrics and "standards", but will also give students a chance to go deeper and to new places, which their teachers may have never gone.
Currently, I am in a class on digital media, and there is a question about digital media and creativity. Giving students time to use digital media may enhance creativity, but I believe it to simply be a tool. Paper, crayons, instruments, a dance floor are also tools, and involve more of the body. While I think there are interesting tools in digital media, it would be a mistake to restrict students' time and exposure to primarily digital tools as a creative media.
Robinson, K. (2006). Sir Kenneth Robinson: Do schools kill creativity [web video]? Retrieved from:
Trunk, P. (2011). Generation Z will revolutionize education [web post]. Retrieved from: